Integrative Body‐Oriented and Mindfulness‐Centered Therapy™ and Consulting
Accredited Core Evolution® Trainings
Core Evolution is a professional approach in Humanistic, Somatic, Positive and Transpersonal Psychology,
Social and Healing Sciences, Education, Psychosomatic Medicine and Consulting.
The IV. Global Core Evolution Training begins Online January 25 + 26, 2025
Please inquire for further details:
The Core Evolution Training is based on contemporary scientific research on the interaction of body and mind, the foundations of body-oriented therapy, family systems, neuroscience, trauma theories, incorporating western and eastern teachings.
The Core Evolution Training addresses the wholeness of the person – the personal qualities and unique potential. From this trust in our inherent power of love, goodness, creativity and capacity for self-healing, we address the obstacles a person faces to freely unfold these qualities and move toward self-realization – personally and professionally.
The Core Evolution Trainings address our multidimensional reality. Its theories and practice developed out of our experiences and insights from the following approaches:
- Depth-psychology and body-oriented therapy, with individuals, couples and groups
- Gestalt, Somatic, Humanistic, Transpersonal, Existential and Integral Psychology
- Attachment and Bonding theories,
- Trauma Teaching, including Developmental and Shock Trauma,
- Collective-, National-, Generational- and Family- Trauma and others
- Family systems, family therapy and work with constellations
- Affective, cognitive and social neuroscience and the development of the Social Brain
- Behavioral approaches, Systems Theory and Eco-Psychology
- Eastern and Western Teachings and Shamanic Approaches
- Psychosomatics, Subtle Energies and Dreams
- and our own original research on the energetic dynamics of emotional and somatic processes
Core Evolution explores and works with:
- The physical body – its structure, and the dynamic expression through movement;
- Emotions and Feelings – how we process our inner and outer impulses;
- The Mind – in understanding, knowing, being aware and structuring our thinking;
- The Will – the faculty that gives energy its direction;
- Expanding the limitation of the personality, realizing choices;
- Forming our intentions in life, accessing insight, inspiration and vision;
- Practice in Being – Awareness and Mindfulness;
- The Field of Consciousness – allowing us the perception of the totality of existence, which is perceived and expressed as the flow of love and experienced as essence, unity and oneness
Core Evolution teaches many therapeutic tools for transformation to:
- Find the inner ground of knowing yourself and relate to others from this true self;
- Safely move patterns of protective withholding into enriching creativity;
- Guide the expression of feelings in a safe and mindful way, including Trauma Integration;
- Increase the capacity for self-regulation and further emotional independence;
- Explore, understand and if needed restructure the many aspects of Self;
- Deepen the trust in life and support the unfolding potential of a person;
- Embody your spiritual nature;
- Center in Mindfulness Presence.
What is the benefit this program can give you?
Our theory is at the cutting edge of science. Our psychodynamic experiential practice is based on over 40 years of experience.
We are one of the leading trainings in teaching the development of Personality Reaction Patterns™. We guide you to experience, sense and understand the formation of your body, how you structure your feelings and your thinking and how these processes flow into the unfolding of your mind with its personal ego attitudes and attachments. These attachments and resulting bonding patterns are mostly unconscious and potentially limiting the free flow in life. By making them conscious, they become choices.
In the Core Evolution Training you learn how you organize yourself, track energies and read the story in the body. You learn how specific moments in life influence decision-making processes and the capacity to relate and to communicate.
This program provides the teaching for understanding these processes and offers psychological, emotional and somatic interventions as tools to access the resources of a person to support the integration of changes.
The essential teaching of Core Evolution is integrative. We unify knowledge and intuition, science and the wisdom of the heart, psychology and philosophy. We explore the interconnectedness of life processes as they manifest in the unity of body, emotions, mind, will, and consciousness.
This Certification Training uniquely encompasses teaching and personal process, which enables participants not only to study and learn, but also to experience and practice the work. In experiencing the teaching, participants will develop a deeper understanding of their own growth and competence in the professional application.
The International Institute for Core Evolution & CoreSoma is an accredited* Institute by the EABP, EAP, and the USABP. A complete training in Core Evolution leads to certification in Integrative, Body-Oriented and Mindfulness-Centered Psychotherapy, which allows you to become a full member in the EABP and to apply for the European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP).
* All our trainings have the same curriculum and standard, but they are differentiated by national or international organizational structure. Please inquire for further detailed information.