Core Evolution®

Living the Pulsation of Life

Integrate Your Past • Be in the Present • Shape Your Future

International Institute for Core Evolution® and CoreSoma®
Directors: Siegmar Gerken PhD, ECP, HP and Cornelia Gerken CMP, ECP, HP

Life-expanding tools and open guidance so that you can walk your own individual path to inner fulfillment and self-realization

The Energy, Love and Consciousness Program™


with Siegmar Gerken, Ph.D. 

After al­most 50 years of find­ing and cre­at­ing my own path with Con­scious­ness Teach­ers, Ther­ap­ists, Scient­ists, Heal­ers, Sham­ans, Artists, Musi­cian and with many other people from all walks of life, and my­self teach­ing on 4 con­tin­ents, I de­signed an On­line-Pro­gram in which all these ele­ments flow to­geth­er and in which you can:

• Ex­plore Your Em­bod­ied Mind and the Will of Your Heart™
• Learn tools to shift res­ist­ing body-at­ti­tudes, en­hance your brain and ex­pand your mind
• Deep­en your emo­tion­al and so­cial com­pet­ence - per­son­ally and pro­fes­sion­ally
• Bring hap­pi­ness and grat­it­ude into your re­la­tion­ship and into the way you re­late to oth­ers and the world
• Dis­cov­er your ori­gin­al in­ten­tion and know that your life has mean­ing!
• Con­nect to your inner source, oth­ers and the lar­ger ex­ist­ence.

The ENERGY, LOVE AND CONSCIOUSNESS Pro­gram con­sists of three parts.
Each part has 3 meet­ings of 2 hours and 30 minutes sched­uled every 2 - 3 weeks:

After our suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion, we open en­roll­ment for the next pro­gram dates:

Work­shop 1: From Col­lect­ive, Gen­er­a­tion­al and Fam­ily Trauma To In­di­vidu­al Trauma and Bey­ond -
Prin­ciples of Heal­ing from Trauma

Teach­ing the In­teg­ra­tion and Heal­ing of Trau­mat­ic Life Situ­ations

6:30 pm - 9 pm Cen­t­ral European Time (CET) https://www.the­t­imezonecon­vert­

Re­gis­tra­tion Info:  All three work­shops can only be booked to­geth­er.

Each sem­in­ar is 2 hours and 30 minutes.

For en­roll­ment write us at: In­fo@CoreE­volu­

In this in­teg­rat­ive and multi-dis­cip­lin­ary ap­proach to trauma you will learn to re­cog­nize and dif­fer­en­ti­ate the multi-layered tapestry of trau­mat­ic ex­per­i­ences.

Trau­mat­ic situ­ations in early or later phases of life can lead to a pro­tect­ive with­draw­al or to the dis­tor­tion of real­ity. These con­di­tions have a strong in­flu­ence on the form­ing forces of the per­son­al de­vel­op­ment and the cop­ing mech­an­ism of how a per­son lives the daily life. Trau­mat­ic ex­per­i­ences are then often be­com­ing un­re­cog­nized ‘frozen pat­terns of his­tory’.

These pat­terns mani­fest on the emo­tion­al, so­mat­ic and cog­nit­ive level. This pro­gram sup­ports you to in­crease our ca­pa­city for:
• har­mo­ni­ous self-reg­u­la­tion,
• se­cure at­tach­ment,
• deep con­tact to yourselves and
• the nat­ur­al free ex­pres­sion of your life-force.

(You will also find more in-depth ma­ter­i­al in our for the pro­fes­sion­al Glob­al Core Evolu­tion Train­ing).

Work­shop 2: The So­cial Brain -

Ex­pand­ing the Realm of Under­stand­ing

Every per­son is part of a so­ci­ety, fam­ily, pro­fes­sion, in­sti­tu­tions, re­li­gion, tra­di­tions, cul­ture, and other sys­tems. There­fore, we also have to re­cog­nize the so­cial  and col­lect­ive di­men­sions of trauma and its im­pact on a per­son’s life.
The sur­viv­al on our plan­et is not any more de­term­ined just by phys­ic­al power, but by em­path­ic listen­ing, com­mu­nic­a­tion and by unit­ing our in­tel­li­gence for the well­being of all life.

Work­shop 3: The Co­her­ent Self -

The Practice of Co­her­ence en­ables you to re­con­nect and strengthen your Ground of Being, to sta­bil­ize your field and to be able to give dir­ec­tion to your thoughts and en­ergy in life.

This in­teg­rat­ive ap­proach to trauma hon­ors the es­sence of a per­son as an in­her­ent qual­ity and at­tends to the per­son’s pro­cess with pro­fes­sion­al know­ledge, care, re­search, com­pet­ence, in­tu­ition, em­pathy, mind­ful­ness and pres­ence. - so that we can unite our qual­it­ies and forces, cre­ate and cel­eb­rate our com­munity and ad­dress and sup­port our per­son­al life, our so­ci­ety, eco­logy and the en­vir­on­ment and strive for peace and free­dom.

is open­ing your inner and outer ho­ri­zon to dis­cov­er your truth and to trust your path.

Join people on the path of En­ergy, Love and Con­scious­ness and ex­plore Mind­ful­ness, Body-Aware­ness, Em­path­ic Shar­ing and Listen­ing, Per­son­al Pro­cessing, short lec­tures, Med­it­a­tion and more - from the in­di­vidu­al to col­lect­ive di­men­sions, from Neur­os­cience to Quantum Phys­ics.

In the En­ergy, Love and Con­scious­ness Pro­gram™ of Core Evolu­tion® you learn to un­der­stand and over­come per­son­al, gen­er­a­tion­al, and col­lect­ive re­stric­tions - you step into Self-Em­power­ment and Mind­ful Pres­ence™ and fully live the di­men­sions of En­ergy, Love and Con­scious­ness.

To strengthen re­si­li­ence, em­pathy, com­­­pas­­­sion and the wis­­­dom of the Body-Mind we offer down to earth tools:
• to ad­dress the spec­trum of Devel­op­ment­al to Col­lect­ive Trauma, and the lar­ger Trauma Mat­rix
• to open the Body - Brain - Mind - Re­sponse Cycle
• to reg­u­late your body- and nervous sys­tem and memory-in­teg­ra­tion;
• to reach a place of co­her­­­ence;  
• to stay in con­­­tact with your­­self and the love for life;  
• to act from a sense of em­bod­i­­­ment, pres­ence and inner lead­er­­­­­ship;
• to con­nect, com­mu­nic­ate and find the place of com­mon good for all life.

In Core Evolu­­­tion this takes place on the phys­ic­al, emo­­­tion­al, cog­n­it­ive and spir­itu­al / con­­­s­­cious­­­ness level and ul­ti­mately leads to the heal­ing of In­di­vidu­al, Fam­ily, Gen­er­­­a­­­tion­al and Col­lect­ive Trauma. 

In­teg­rate Your Past • Be in the Present • Shape Your Fu­ture™

Never in his­t­ory have we been con­­­s­­ciously and tech­n­ic­ally so con­­­nec­ted on this globe as now. This is where the present chal­lenge can also be­­­come a great op­­­por­­­tun­­­ity for trans­­­form­a­­­tion in which every­body can par­ti­­­cip­ate - in­­­di­vidu­ally and col­lect­ively.

It takes re­search, ex­­per­­i­ence and prac­­tice, to raise the aware­­ness of how we hold pat­terns of our per­­son­al his­t­ory and the col­lect­ive con­­s­cious­­ness in our Body-Mind Field. This pro­­cess of re­­cog­n­i­­tion and in­­teg­ra­­tion is com­plex. This is where the in­­­teg­rat­ive, body-ori­en­ted and mind­­­ful­­­ness-centered ap­­­proach of Core Evolu­­­tion has been of­fer­­­ing sup­­­port now for over 40 years.

In the En­ergy, Love and Con­scious­ness Pro­gram™ of Core Evolu­tion® you step into Self-Em­power­ment and Mind­ful Pres­ence™.