Core Evolution®

Living the Pulsation of Life

Integrate Your Past • Be in the Present • Shape Your Future

International Institute for Core Evolution® and CoreSoma®
Directors: Siegmar Gerken PhD, ECP, HP and Cornelia Gerken CMP, ECP, HP



Siegmar Gerken, Ph.D. Beyond the Brain 11-2022 Speaker Preview

Integration and Healing of Traumatic Life Situations

Intro - Reach Your Infinite Potential - with Siegmar Gerken, Ph.D. ECP, HP

The Cycle of Life in the Process of Core Evolution - an Introduction

Collective, Generational and Family Trauma to Individual Trauma and Beyond

Open the Path to Love & Consciousness - The Energy, Love & Consciousness Program

Lecture - The Energy, Love and Consciousness Program™

Therapy, Energy, Light into the Body - Infinite Consciousness Conference

The Laszlo In­sti­tute of New Paradigm Re­search, Bagni di Lucca, Italy, 2016.

Love, Sexuality & Relationship

Unity WebTV, Nor­way, 2013.

The Dance of Energy & Consciousness

Winter Cam­pus, Transper­son­al Psy­cho­logy Work­shop, Cypress

Consciousness, Embodiement and Personal Development

Siegmar Gerken: Con­scious­ness, Em­bod­iement and Per­son­al Devel­op­ment - Tuc­son 2018

Unity of All Existence

St.Peters­burg, Rus­sia, Octo­ber 2018. In Eng­lish with Rus­si­an Trans­la­tion

The Consciousness of the Body and the Realization of all Times
Past – Present – Future – Lives and the Lives in Between

In­fin­ite Con­scious­ness Con­fer­ence, Laszlo Found­a­tion, Lucca, Italy, 2018.

Healing is the Resonance with the Flow of Life - Find Your Healer Within

The New Paradigm in Hol­ist­ic Health and Well­being Con­fer­ence

The Laszlo In­sti­tute of New Paradigm Re­search, Bagni di Lucca, Italy, 2017.

Power of Love & Flow of Life

In­ter­na­tion­al Transper­son­al Psy­cho­logy Con­gress, Venus, Ro­mania, 2016.