Core Evolution®

Living the Pulsation of Life

Integrate Your Past • Be in the Present • Shape Your Future

International Institute for Core Evolution® and CoreSoma®
Directors: Siegmar Gerken PhD, ECP, HP and Cornelia Gerken CMP, ECP, HP

Ways to work with us


Work­shops are a great way to ex­per­i­ence the work in depth and get a per­spect­ive of the com­pre­hens­ive scope of Core Evolu­tion.
The group set­ting of­fers an ex­pan­ded view into dif­fer­ent life situ­ations and cre­at­ive ap­proaches to work in­di­vidu­ally, in dyads, tri­ads or as a whole group - or just be in the group and ex­per­i­ence without the need to pro­cess in­di­vidu­ally.

In any case, the em­path­ic pres­ence of par­ti­cipants and the guided ex­er­cises and group dy­nam­ics cre­ate a space of ex­per­i­ence and op­por­tun­it­ies for in­sights and change. One full day or week­end of­fers a good time to be touched by the work and to find in­teg­ra­tion with a chosen topic.
Work­shops are offered with a wide vari­ety of themes and top­ics in many places in­ter­na­tion­ally.
Please look up the Cal­en­dar of Events for your area.

If you are in­ter­ested in or­gan­iz­ing a work­shop with a spe­cif­ic topic in your area, please con­tact us for fur­ther de­tails.