Core Evolution®

Living the Pulsation of Life

Integrate Your Past • Be in the Present • Shape Your Future

International Institute for Core Evolution® and CoreSoma®
Directors: Siegmar Gerken PhD, ECP, HP and Cornelia Gerken CMP, ECP, HP

Welcome to Core Evolution

Core Evolu­­tion ad­dresses the whole­­­ness of a per­­­son – the per­­­son­al qual­it­ies and unique po­ten­­­tial. We trust in the in­­­her­­­ent power of love, good­­­ness, cre­at­iv­ity and ca­pa­­­city for self-heal­ing and sup­port a per­son to un­­­­­fold these qual­it­ies and move to­ward Self-Real­­­iz­a­­­tion – per­­­son­ally and pro­fes­­­sion­ally.

Core Evolu­­tion is a re­la­­tion­al, psy­cho­dy­­nam­ic, body-ori­en­ted, trauma-sens­it­ive and mind­­ful­­ness-centered ther­­apy and con­sult­ing ap­proach. It's found­a­tion is the com­­pre­hens­ive un­­der­­stand­ing that es­­sence and life en­­ergy are ex­­­pressed through our Core - the cen­ter of the in­­di­vidu­ated uni­ver­­sal life en­ergy, a well­s­pring of heal­ing, joy, cre­at­iv­ity and wis­­dom.

In Core Evolu­­­tion we work on the phys­ic­al, emo­­­tion­al, cog­n­it­ive and spir­itu­al / con­­­s­­cious­­­ness level to fa­cil­it­ate pro­cesses of cla­ri­fic­a­tion and trans­form­a­tion in all areas of our life. 

This can in­clude top­ics like:
Per­­son­al­ity de­vel­op­­ment:
How do I stand in life? Do I real­­ize my po­ten­­tial? How do I limit my­­self?
How do I feel my­­self, in part­n­er­­­ship and with oth­­ers? How do I re­late to in­tim­acy? 

Loss and re­new­al:
How do I deal with the pain of a loss or the state of aban­­don­­ment? How do I over­come de­pend­en­cies or de­pres­sion? How do I keep the spir­it and in­­ten­­tion in life?

Do I feel 'called' to what I do? How can I deep­­en my qual­it­ies or take new cre­at­ive paths?

Trau­mat­ic ex­­per­­i­ences: We are prac­ti­cing multi-fa­ceted ap­­proaches to ad­dress and in­­teg­rat­e trau­mat­ic ex­­per­­i­ences - ul­ti­mately lead­ing to the heal­ing of In­di­vidu­al-, Fam­ily-, Gen­er­­­a­­­tion­al-, Col­lect­ive- and other Trau­mas.  

We ex­plore the un­der­ly­ing en­er­get­ic states in acute or chron­ic situ­a­tions, or psy­cho­so­mat­ic con­di­tions; look­ing at their re­la­tion to life cir­cum­stances to ac­t­iv­a­te your in­her­ent power for well-being and heal­ing,
Plus many other top­ics for which you may look for solu­­tions, in­­teg­ra­­tion and heal­ing, to:     

In­teg­rate Your Past • Be in the Present • Shape Your Fu­ture™ 

Never in his­t­ory have we been so con­­­s­­ciously and tech­n­ic­ally con­­­nec­ted on this globe as now. This is where the present chal­lenges can also be­­­come a great op­­­por­­­tun­­­ity for trans­­­form­a­­­tion in which every­one of us can par­ti­­­cip­ate and con­trib­ute - in­­­di­vidu­ally and col­lect­ively. 

We un­der­stand, that this pro­­cess of re­­cog­n­i­­tion and in­­teg­ra­­tion is com­plex. This is where the In­­teg­rat­ive, Body-Ori­en­ted, Trauma-Sens­it­ive and Mind­­­ful­­­ness-Centered ap­­­proach of Core Evolu­­­tion has been of­fer­­­ing sup­­­port now for over 40 years.

Work with us

Work with us

With over 40 years
ex­per­i­ence in the fields of Hu­man­ist­ic, Transper­son­al and
So­mat­ic Psy­chology we nat­ur­ally ad­dress all pro­fes­sion­al top­ics.



For Ap­plied
Psy­cho­logy, Spir­itu­al­ity and Science – Teach­ing Mind­ful­ness for the Under­stand­ing of the Unity of All Ex­ist­ence.



For participants who want to expand their consciousness and choices in life and for practitioners who want to bring an integrative body-oriented dimension to their work.

Who we are

Who we are

We un­der­stand our com­mit­ment and work of over forty years in CORE EVOLUTION®
as a con­tri­bu­tion to an emo­tion­ally in­teg­rated, peace­ful so­ci­ety.

Core Evolu­­tion ad­dresses the pulsa­­tion of life in each of us. Life ex­­­presses it­­self in pulsa­­tion. Every breath, every heart­­beat, every move­­ment, every thought rep­res­ents the flow of life in us. If this flow gets dis­­t­or­ted or re­stric­ted, it lim­its our per­­­cep­­tion and ex­­­pres­­sion in life. There­­fore we re­­cog­n­ize and sup­­port the in­­ter­­­con­­nec­ted­­ness on all levels of our ex­­ist­ence.

There­­fore, we ad­dress the in­­ter­­­con­­nec­ted­­ness on all levels of our ex­­ist­ence:

  • Our body and its so­mat­ic ap­pear­ance, move­ment and ex­pres­sion;
  • Our emo­­tions and feel­ings - and how we de­vel­op, reg­u­late and struc­ture them; 
  • Our thoughts and our cog­n­it­ive ca­pa­­city;
  • Our will, our de­veloped ego, with which we dir­ect our ac­­tions in life;
  • And our ca­pa­city to love and to open to the lar­ger di­men­sions of life.

Core Evolu­tion is prac­ticed in­di­vidu­ally, as couple and in groups on­line and in per­son.  Pro­fes­sion­al Train­ings also begin on­line and In-Per­son, please in­quire:                  

Please look up our cal­en­dar of events for up­com­ing On­line and In-Per­son Work­shops and Train­ings:


To re­ceive our news­let­ter and stay in­formed about the cur­rent pro­­grams sched­ule:


Upcoming Events

Fri, 11 October 2024 - Fri, 11 October 2024
Istanbul | Turkey

Psychology of Embodiment - The Fields of Embodiment

Psychology of Embodiment Congress

with: Siegmar Gerken, Ph.D., ECP, HP

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Fri, 11 October 2024 - Sun, 13 October 2024
Zagreb | Croatia

CoreSoma Group

Graduation Training: Closed Group

with: Cornelia Gerken, CMP, ECP, HP

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Sat, 12 October 2024 - Sat, 12 October 2024
Istanbul | Turkey

The Living Pulsation of Embodiment

Psychology of Embodiment Congress

with: Siegmar Gerken, Ph.D., ECP, HP

read more

To see further events, please click on the following button:

Calendar of Events


To sub­scribe to our news­let­ter, please send an email with your first name, last name, coun­try and city to In­fo@CoreE­volu­ With your sub­scrip­tion you ac­cept our pri­vacy policy, which you can read here